These are some crazy times that we are in. As a fan of post-apocalyptic books, I can honestly say I never thought I’d see anything like what I’ve envisioned while reading a book. Now, we are not post-apocalyptic, but I am honestly disappointed in society during this hardship. The fact that I have seen people with not only their truck bed filled with bottled water, but an additional trailer full. People have raided anything and everything they can get their hands on. Milk, potatoes, vegetables, toilet paper, pasta are all precious commodities.
I watch videos taken in Florida, where college students are partying on closely packed beaches and complaining that the bars are closing at 8pm. I scroll through my social media feed and to see a video of a girl licking a toilet seat in an airplane. What has our society come to that this insane behavior is viral worthy?
The wine industry is being hit hard by social distancing and self-isolation. Without the ability to pour our wines for customers, we are losing sales. We (Dracaena Wines) have done what we can to try to encourage customers to purchase our wine during their isolation. We are offering $5 shipping, but there isn’t much more we can do. With the restaurants being forced to close, we are losing sales to them, and they in turn are losing sales to their customers. The larger restaurants may be able to weather the storm, but the family run businesses are going to be hit the hardest.
For all the negative that covid-19 has brought into our world, the one thing that seems to be a steady positive is the wine world. Across the globe, the wine industry is coming together to support each other and doing what they can to help their neighbors.
Dracaena Wines has always prided themselves on not only producing high quality award winning wines, , but also on providing the best customer service and specialized attention to our customers. Wine is a wonderful elixir. It can put a smile on your face in the bleakest of times and the wine community is like non other. We would love to spotlight you on our social media. Please send us an email at including an image of you enjoying wine – ANY WINE – and we will post it on our social media channels. We just want to spread a little happiness.
Over the past week, I have received some press releases for wineries that are going beyond the call of duty. These people, and their true caring for the welfare of everyone, are showing that if we all come together, we will survive this and we will hopefully come out stronger and wiser. #StayHome and #BeSafe

González Byass, a family company that has been making quality wines and spirits since 1835, has made the technical and human resources teams available for the manufacture and supply of sanitary alcohol and hydro-alcoholic gel across Spain, giving over their production facilities situated in Chinchón (Madrid), Jerez de la Frontera (Cádiz) and the distillery Bodega Las Copas in Tomelloso (Ciudad Real).
The aim of this initiative is to collaborate with the public health sector and the containment of Covid-19, and to demonstrate our sincere gratitude to all of the people who are involved in the fight against the disease.
source: Donna White Communications

The well-know winery from Friuli has taken practical steps to support the Hospital of Udine in fighting back Covid-19. A limited-edition bottle has been released with special Everything will be labeled in eight different languages
Zorzettig is not new to challenges, having survived World War II before becoming an ambassador of regional viticulture, in Italy and abroad. Now, the winery has taken another important step in sustaining the local community and its well-being. The Zorzettig family has organized a fund-raising project aimed at economically supporting the intensive care unit of Ospedale Universitario Santa Maria della Misericordia in Udine which is fighting at the forefront of Covid-19 emergency.
Starting Monday, March 16th, the winery will be selling on a limited edition of Refosco dal Peduncolo Rosso made from the eponymous native red variety. Grown only locally, Refosco dal Peduncolo Rosso is well-known for being a resilient grape which has endured many a challenge in the past. Proceeds will be used to buy the necessary and much needed equipment. The limited edition will display on the label the sentence Andrà tutto bene, everything will be alright, in eight different languages. Eight is a lucky number in China, where emergency has started and which is now experiencing the first positive signals. The disposition of the sentences aims at representing a hug, a familiar gesture we cannot share right now. The bottles will be on sale from today by writing at and on Tannico in the next days.
“Andrà tutto bene is a good wish for the future that needs to be translated in a practical action right now” explains Annalisa Zorzettig, who runs the family business. “We love our land and our community and we asked ourselves how we could help. This is how we came up with the idea of a limited edition with a good wish aimed at going beyond space and time. We love the idea that families will buy this bottle to share it with beloved ones seated around the same table. In the future, this will be a reminder of a challenging time we were able to overcome and of a moment which has taught us, once more, how precious are little joys and beloved ones”.
Source: Studio Cru Press Office
Local distillery making hand sanitizer for hospitals, first responders, businesses, and residents
–To do its part during the COVID-19 pandemic, Krobar Craft Distillery in Paso Robles is repurposing its distillery from distilled spirits to hand sanitizer, the company announced in a news release. Last week, the Paso Robles-based small business quickly changed its production facility to produce high-alcohol sanitizer, called Krobar Sanitizer, to help equip area hospitals, emergency services, and public works departments, and the general public.
Word-of-mouth news of the distillery’s pivot to hand sanitizer production resulted in an outpouring of calls from hospitals, as well as local government agencies, both locally and throughout California. As a result, Krobar’s owners and staffers are working around the clock and upping production.
The distillery has already donated hand sanitizer to local, regional and state agencies, including: Atascadero Fire Department, California Highway Patrol, Cal Fire, City of Bakersfield, Community Health Centers of the Central Coast, Compass Health, Mee Memorial Hospital, Paso Robles Fire Department, San Luis Obispo Fire Department, SLO Paramedics, and the SLO Food Bank. Local business have also been in contact to purchase supplies, including Ancient Peaks in Santa Margarita, Calif., which will provide 350 sanitizers to its staff and distributor partners.
“The key ingredient of sanitizer is high-level alcohol – and we can literally produce it by the tankful,” says Joe Barton, co-owner of Krobar Distillery. “So, the moment we heard hospitals and healthcare workers were struggling to find hand sanitizer, my co-owner Steve (Kroener) and our staff went to work.”
The hand sanitizer – made from 80-percent ethanol alcohol – is in compliance with the FDA’s strict guidelines and is approved for use by hospitals, emergency responders and the general public. The sanitizer can be used for hand cleaning as well as a surface disinfectant.
Krobar Sanitizer is available in four sizes. For the general public, prices are:
- Free with Barton, Grey Wolf or KROBAR purchase for 10ml
- $10 for 4oz
- $17 for 375ml
- $27 for 750ml
For local businesses, restaurants and beverage industry, prices are:
- Free with Barton, Grey Wolf or KROBAR purchase for 10ml
- $8 for 4oz
- $15 for 375ml
- $25 for 750ml
For more information, to secure sanitizer, and to inquire about discounted bulk pricing for hospitals, emergency responders, governments and businesses, please contact either of the following: Joe Barton, (805) 550-6402, Steve Kroener at, or Jenny Barton at
source: Paso Robles Daily News
And remember send us an email at including an image of you enjoying wine, so that people can see more than just corona related posts as they scroll through their feeds!
Please follow me on Instagram, Twitter, and Facebook. You can also find me on YouTube and if you are interested in wine pairings, follow my other blog, Wine Pairing with Dracaena Wines. And don’t forget about my FREE wine education series, Winephabet Street.
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I can survive without toilet paper but not without my wine! Hope you and Mike are well and staying safe (and sane)
oh yes. Wine is much more important! LOL We are good. Hope you are also!